Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The APS canteen

The canteen is awesome!!!!!!!My favorite is stall 2.yes the food is healthy.Yes the drinks are healthy. I never took drink from a vender.We need to make robots to keep the canteen clean.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


HFMD is Hand Foot and Mouth Disease.You can find out someone has it rashes and ulcers.I do not know if someone below five can have it.I know a girl who has it.I can advice people who has it to go to the doctor.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I have many friends.My best friend is Peter.He is in Malayasia.he is 10 years old like me.Linges ,Ryan and Kai Jun.They are in Singapore

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

my dream

My dream is to

Hi. my name is Nabhan and my dream is becoming a cartoonist.Imagination is stronger than knolledge.Knolledge is limited and imagination is unlimited.